modified 1/2021
Page VRT_27
..This is the Ideal Rub Tone Page for the Ideal #22 level.
It is generated by rubbing along the grain of the wood sample with a piece of Spruce wood sound post stock (also #22 if possible).
..Immediately after hearing my Rub Tone sample, stroke the part you are testing; listening to the lowest part of the Rub Tone and comparing.
..You want to use wood that has this exact #22 Rub Tone.
Expect a 10% tonal loss for each level above or below the Ideal. The #22 Rub Tone tests best for all violin part woods: Spruce, Maple and Ebony.
..Use the wood closest to this ideal for your instrument making. If possible, only use wood of between a 21 and 23 Rub Tone!
..Follow specific instructions for use of Rub Tone in violin wood selection found on other links.
..Click here for Video instruction and examples of from #21 to #23 Rub Tone, (#22 desired). Begin viewing at 11:22 from the beginning.
 ..Immediately after hearing my Rub Tone sample, stroke the part you are testing, along the grain direction; listening to the lowest part of the Rub Tone and comparing.
..Rub Tone is a property that is uniform throughout the wood piece so it is the same on every edge or end. # 22 is the ideal we want for our instruments.
..This is my Rub Tone Scale. The range is from # 5 to # 29 with # 29 being the brightest sound. # 22 is clearly the best choice, found in all violin parts, verified by testing identically shaped samples. Here is my collection of Violin Nuts arranged with their Rub Tone. The tuning pegs were originally arranged as having a rub tone that was just noticeably different from the one above or below.
..I glued my samples on to a strip of Deer skin leather with a dab of clear silicone calking rubber.
..When not in use, I just roll it up onto itself for storage. For stroking the wood I use the square maple stick seen in the picture above just above on the left side.
..There is about a 10% tonal loss for each level distant from the ideal # 22; so this is important for the outcome of your instrument. This applies for EACH violin part for best results!
..Please note that in this example, I have graded my ebony Nut blocks in their respective Rub Tone position and of the 39 pictured, only 2 are at the desired # 22 Rub Tone and 2 more each at # 21 and # 23; so following my advice only 6 of the 39 in this sample would be acceptable for your violin, or 15%, with only 2, or 5%, at the ideal Rub Tone of # 22.....
..Click here to hear (30) seconds of Ideal # 22 Rub Tone Recording..
..Click here for Violin Research Home Page...
..The sound analysis of the desired ( range # 21 -- # 23) Rub Tones {FFT frequency analysis} :
 ..Notice how the ideal #22 rub tone, records a FFT analysis 861 HZ frequency. {861 / 3 =287 HZ}, exactly on the tap tone (Nature) scale!